Quick Start - GraphQL
This guide will help you quickly get started with the Skeet framework.
Installing Skeet CLI
Skeet CLI is a command line tool for efficiently using the Skeet framework. You can install it with the following command. If npm is already installed, you can install it with the following command.
$ npm i -g @skeet-framework/cli
If npm is not installed, you can install it with the following command. (This command installs nodenv, node, npm, @skeet-framework/cli and edits .profile/.zshrc.)
$ sh -c "$(curl -sSfL https://storage.googleapis.com/skeet-assets/resources/v1.0.2-install)"
Docker Installation
Skeet supports local development using Docker. If Docker is not installed, please refer to the following for installation.
Creating a Google Cloud Project
By creating a Google Cloud Project, you can utilize various resources of Google Cloud. Refer to the official Google Cloud documentation to create a new project:
Enabling Google Cloud VertexAI
Skeet is integrated with Google Cloud VertexAI. Use the following command to enable VertexAI:
$ skeet iam ai
Launching Skeet AI Assistant
The Skeet AI Assistant is an interactive tool designed to handle various queries:
$ skeet ai
Upon launching, you'll see a prompt like the one below. Try asking it something:
VertexAI is selected 🤖 (type "q" to quit)
You: How to install skeet?
To install Skeet, you can use the following command:
$ npm install -g @skeet-framework/cli
This will install the Skeet CLI tool globally on your machine.
Launching Skeet AI Prisma
While skeet ai is running, entering $ prisma will switch to database schema generation mode. Upon launching, you'll be prompted to describe your database use case. For instance, try entering, "I want to create a blog site."
$ skeet ai VertexAI is selected 🤖 (type "q" to quit) You: $ prisma 🤖 Prisma Scheme Generating Mode 🤖 Please describe your Database use case. You: I want to create a blog site. model Post { id Int @id @default(autoincrement()) title String content String createdAt DateTime @default(now()) updatedAt DateTime @updatedAt Comment Comment[] User User @relation(fields: [userId], references: [id]) userId Int @@unique([userId, title]) } model Comment { id Int @id @default(autoincrement()) content String postId Int createdAt DateTime @default(now()) updatedAt DateTime @updatedAt Post Post @relation(fields: [postId], references: [id]) } Edit: ./graphql/prisma/schema.prisma
A Prisma schema has been generated.
Editing Prisma Schema
The Prisma schema is saved in ./graphql/prisma/schema.prisma. Edit the schema outputted earlier as required.
If you haven't used the skeet template yet, create it with the following command:
$ skeet create <appName>
Use this schema to migrate your database.
Creating/Running DB Migration
With Skeet, you can perform database migrations using Prisma:
$ skeet db migrate <migrationName>
Your database migration is now complete.
Creating GraphQL API
Skeet can automatically generate a GraphQL API from the schema:
$ skeet g scaffold
Launching the GraphQL API
Skeet allows you to run the GraphQL API locally:
$ skeet s
You can access the GraphQL API at:
Synchronizing Types
Skeet can automatically generate TypeScript type definitions from the GraphQL API:
$ skeet sync types