This Document is for Skeet v2.

Tutorial - Firestore

Tutorial - Firestore

In this tutorial, we will create an app that periodically evaluates articles with AI and sends notifications to Discord. This is a comprehensive tutorial on developing a cloud application that includes the TypeScript programming language and Firebase Firestore.

In the quick start, we learned the basics of using the Skeet Framework. In this tutorial, we will explore how the features of the skeet CLI can make things that were previously difficult to accomplish much easier. We extend our heartfelt thanks to the developers who have made their libraries available as open source.

The Skeet Framework is designed to efficiently use computer resources, enabling developers to achieve more with less code. Moreover, with the increasing seriousness of environmental issues on our planet, using energy efficiently is considered a responsibility of developers.

The techniques taught in this tutorial are fundamental for any Skeet Framework app and mastering them will provide a deep understanding of Skeet.

In this chapter, we will add new features to the project created in the quick start.

Tutorial Goal

In this tutorial you will learn:

  • Add endpoints using the skeet add method command
  • Synchronize routing using the skeet sync routings command
  • Add a schedule using the skeet add method command
  • Add a Cloud Tasks queue using the skeet add tq command
  • Synchronize Cloud Tasks using the skeet sync tq command
  • Deploy to Firebase

Tutorial prerequisites

If Setup has not been completed, please complete it first.

Development environment

Skeet Framework recommends VScode as the editor. By proceeding with development according to the framework, Get powerful code completion support using GitHub Copilot and OpenAI.

Chatbot uses OpenAI's API.

Add/synchronize routing

If you add endpoints, you must synchronize the routing after deployment. This updates the load balancer settings.

$ skeet sync routings

This command allows

  • Create network endpoint groups
  • Create backend service
  • Add backend service
  • Applying security policy
  • Create a URL map

is done automatically.

Add/Synchronize Cloud Armor

Add the following settings to skeet-cloud.config.json

{ ... "cloudArmor": [ { "securityPolicyName": "skeet-example-armor", "rules": [ { "priority": "10", "description": "Allow Your Home IP addresses", "options": { "src-ip-ranges": "x.x.x.x", "action": "allow" } }, { "priority": "300", "description": "Defense from NodeJS attack", "options": { "action": "deny-403", "expression": "evaluatePreconfiguredExpr('nodejs-v33-stable')" } }, { "priority": "2147483647", "description": "Deny All IP addresses", "options": { "action": "deny-403" } } ] } ] }

This setting allows access from the IP addresses specified in src-ip-ranges, All other accesses are denied with deny-403.

$ skeet sync armors

A new Google Cloud Armor will be created or updated.